How to Develop a Winning Culture in the Work Place.

Successful businesses are successful for several reasons, today I am going to share those reasons. The company’s weather large, mid-size or small are successfully growing today due to the winning culture they have developed along with coming to the realization that all their employees matter. Companies that have positive winning environments are winning each year because of each person in their organization who knows how critical they are to the success of the day to day operations. How come we see companies like Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Google, Apple to name a few heavy hitters keep rising to the top? Well, it’s simple the people. You can build a beautiful building with all the state of the art items in it, but you don’t have the right people the building won’t matter. The people you hire and retain are the reason for success or failure of your company.

When building a winning culture it’s important that you develop a positive culture that recognize it’s employees often for their work. Your people who work for you must be loved, praised and recognized for their work performances just they were as a kid in school.

He are some helpful actions that I have discovered most successful business incorporate to build a winning culture.

  1. Mission Statement: Your mission statement should be so clear that everyone in your organization knows how important to carry out this mission. If you have  receptionists, they should know the mission statement, if you have janitorial staff the should know it. Your people should know what your mission is throughout the building. This can help everyone understand how important they are to the company’s success.
  2. Role Description: this is just as if not even more important to each individual in your organization. This is the foundation for accountability; job description as it is also known identifies each individual, each departments role in the success of your organization. You have to have leaders who can lead and manage people with daily performance.
  3. Great Leadership: No one man can do it all and this where your leadership team comes in to play. Your leaders are simply a extension of  upper level management. Whatever you want your organization’s success to be it will come via how well your managers are trained to educate, motivate and inspire employees.
  4. Set Goals: goals must be set and you must set high; aim for the moon and you will hit the stars as it was once said. With the goals must come incentives to motivate your staff. We still live in a time of incentivized workforce; employees love bonuses and recognition.
  5. Recognize Top Performers 
  6. Just like we all did as school age kids we wanted and welcomed recognition for our performances, weather academic, athletic or extra-curricular activities. We wanted everyone to see us being acknowledged for their outstanding work. So It is important that you keep the morale up be recognizing your peak performers. To get the peak performances from your people, you will need top notch coaches to bring their “A” game everyday; to have “A” game it require championship attitudes from the top.
  7. Championship Attitude: a champion attitude is attitude that is positive, relentless, and laser like focused on a the task at hand. A champion knows their pinnacle and what it will take to get there. These individuals come daily and are motivated to win from their own self-determination as well as motivation from their leader. They also inspire each other too because they know how important is for their department to succeed. Individuals with championship caliber attitudes can manage themselves as coach and encourage others around them; this type of employee whose sort of like a player-coach. Meaning they can assist leaders like a team captain and they looked up to and respected. You need individuals with a championship attitude to help create a winning culture. 
  8. Winning Culture Meetings: start your meetings off with music, a speaker, or employee recognized performances, or recognition of team performances. Start your meetings off positive. Try not to single out individuals or groups in your large meetings for poor  performances. If there are issues address them and address them as positive as you can. Address and emphasize there will be no negativity allowed at all. You must set the standards in big meetings.
  9. Make Yourself Accessible: people need see you and feel they can approach you as a leader. I know everyone may not agree with this but you must make yourself accessible to employees. This helps to form a bond, trust from your employees. It would also be more encouraging to your employees if speak to them and make and effort to know them by name; I realiz large size companies mat not be able to do this. However, if you have a general manager, Vic president or a top level executive then emphasize that they become more approachable with the employees. People want feel that you are just like them. So eliminate the “Big Me and little you” appearance from leader and let the people know you wear the same color jersey as they do.

10 Employee Engagement: having social, fun non-work related events can build relationships  and get employees to know one another. Maybe you can send your sales team for an outstanding performance on a group weekend trip with expenses covered. Holiday parties and company cookouts can help create a winning culture especially if the see the company’s giving back to it’s employees.
In today’s workforce you must create an environment that people want to become apart of and remain apart of as well. It has to start with treatment which is the number one reason for turnover in a company. You must treatment your employees fairly and equally; we all have out favorites but we must make everyone feel important at all times. Be a company that is all about it’s people and their success. The attitude of a company is determined by leaders who can lead with the company’s vision clearly relayed to all the employees. Leaders also have be motivated to coach, train, develop employees in to great performing employees. Leaders also must be able to counsel with troubled struggling employees to bring their performances up without shaming them. 

Lastly, the key is attitude…it is everything. You have keep the environment in the work place positive to develop a winning culture. It would be great if every company had attitude check meetings each day. You know that employees have personal problems which do spill over into work. So it is important that leader watch their people and their actions to see if their attitude is at level 10 or level 5. You want them at their best everyday so emphasize daily about positive attitudes and to check all egos at the door in order to form your business into a winning culture that many will want to be a part of everyday.

Key your people motivated!
Be Great,

Roger Love

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