Modern Retail_A New Day For Auto Dealerships

COVID-19 has now pushed the Automotive Retail Industry into the world of Digital Retail.

Ready or not we are in the Modern Retail Era.

The buzz was around the annual National Automobile Dealer Association(NADA) Convention was about Modern Retail and the Modern Dealership. Many Dealer Principals and General Managers were kind of split about the next changes in the industry that was around the corner. Well fast forward from Feburary to March 13, 2020 just a little under a month after the convention a Stay-At-Home order was issued. This left dealerships scrambling to make the necessary changes to sell cars. This of course began the era of Modern Retail and Modern Dealerships. Modern Retail in my opinion is having customer options as to how they now get to buy or service their vehicles. Modern Dealerships are Dealerships that are now more customer focused on making the buy process simple and no longer complex with long hours of shopping inside Showrooms. Yes, the New Day did come earlier than most Dealers expected_now leaving them with two choices. You can now make the necessary adjustments to be more consumer focus by streamlining your online shopping options with home deliveries. Perhaps you can sit and doing nothing and suffer the consequences not pivoting to my the adjustments required to serve the Modern Retail Customer. Why did dealers wait to be forced into making the necessary adjustments to sell cars in now Modern Retail era that came unexpectedly? Well, many were probably looking at this like they did the Internet Sales Process that happen slowly years ago. However, there were some dealerships who took heed to what Vroom, Car-Max and Carvana where doing; they took good notice to make the necessary changes ahead of time.

Now That We Are In The Modern Retail Era, Here Is What Dealerships Must Do To Make A Transition And Mantain Business.

Dealerships must do the following to make a successful transition into the Modern Retail Era.

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