Modern Retail_A New Day For Auto Dealerships

COVID-19 has now pushed the Automotive Retail Industry into the world of Digital Retail.

Ready or not we are in the Modern Retail Era.

The buzz was around the annual National Automobile Dealer Association(NADA) Convention was about Modern Retail and the Modern Dealership. Many Dealer Principals and General Managers were kind of split about the next changes in the industry that was around the corner. Well fast forward from Feburary to March 13, 2020 just a little under a month after the convention a Stay-At-Home order was issued. This left dealerships scrambling to make the necessary changes to sell cars. This of course began the era of Modern Retail and Modern Dealerships. Modern Retail in my opinion is having customer options as to how they now get to buy or service their vehicles. Modern Dealerships are Dealerships that are now more customer focused on making the buy process simple and no longer complex with long hours of shopping inside Showrooms. Yes, the New Day did come earlier than most Dealers expected_now leaving them with two choices. You can now make the necessary adjustments to be more consumer focus by streamlining your online shopping options with home deliveries. Perhaps you can sit and doing nothing and suffer the consequences not pivoting to my the adjustments required to serve the Modern Retail Customer. Why did dealers wait to be forced into making the necessary adjustments to sell cars in now Modern Retail era that came unexpectedly? Well, many were probably looking at this like they did the Internet Sales Process that happen slowly years ago. However, there were some dealerships who took heed to what Vroom, Car-Max and Carvana where doing; they took good notice to make the necessary changes ahead of time.

Now That We Are In The Modern Retail Era, Here Is What Dealerships Must Do To Make A Transition And Mantain Business.

Dealerships must do the following to make a successful transition into the Modern Retail Era.

More About Roger

Ways Dealers Can Approach COVID-19

As of March 17th, Coronavirus , according to the CDC has been reported in all 50 states and the National death toll is now at 100. There will have to be more efficiency in serving customers with the latest pandemic spreading through out the country. This has placed a new challenge on all dealerships as to the way business has been previously done.

Amid the Coronavirus crisis, challenged dealerships will have to get creative with Sales and Service.

Several Ways TO Address COVID-19 Pandemic To Keep Dealerships Moving

Now is the time to for all dealerships to assemble with their Leadership Teams on a daily basis and use the phrase “guys what if?” Each day you and your team need to have some “what” if moments to think things through as to “what if” we have no customers in the showroom amid the Coronavirus crisis which has affected a great deal of businesses across the country. You need these sessions daily simply because each day is unknown and the period of time for this Pandemic to end is unknown. Besides you have a sales staff who may have some concerns seeing as how floor, phone and internet traffic have all changed. Perhaps your BDC/Internet Departments and Service Departments have seen a big influx in their traffic. Now is the time to make some adjustments, perhaps maybe taking a few guys from the floor and having them to help with the higher demands of customer needs since more will communicate on line or phone versus coming to the showroom. Your Service Department if it hasn’t already will certainly see an increase in their call volume and internet leads that will have more customer demands for the servicing of their vehicle. Service Customers will have more needs. So each day I recommend you have those short meetings to kick around the “what if’s” to discover new ways to serve your customer during this crisis.

Train Your Sales Teams

The time is now to strengthen your Sales People, Sales Managers, Service Managers, BDC Managers all will have time to train their teams. This is the time for Dealer Principals and General Managers or even Operations Directors to sit down to place accountability on their Sales Managers like never before to train. Training in the sense that veteran Sales People will not be exempt from participating in these sessions. Here’s why no one should be exempt because we have entered a time where the way of doing business has changed and you will need to have a different skill set today going forward. I suggest you get with your Sales Managers and Service Managers and devise and plan of attack as how you can approach the Pandemic that has literally change the day to operation of a dealership as we have know it. The training should focus, ways to communicate with customer, text messaging, video training on how to do a virtual walk around, home test drives and health in the work environment as well as the use of Social Media. Each dealership will have its own agenda as to how they adapt to selling cars and servicing customers but no matter what training will be the king of it all.

Social Media…Take Advantage!

With over 80 percent of the American workforce being home quarantined the usage of Social Media viewing time will drastically increase. At one point in a recent study in Forbes Magazine, roughly 45% of the World’s Population uses Social Media during their down time. Well now for Americans who will be home for as long as couple of weeks to a couple months until the Pandemic ends, Their Social Media usage will increase from the average person spending nearly 2 hours and 30 minutes per day to probably 3 to 4 hours per day. There lies and opportunity for dealership across the country to get stronger in their digital marketing and advertising. I suggest if you have not already place on your dealership’s website, Social Media pages that you are open for business online and that you can purchase a car all online. Going live on Social Media outlets is another great way to connect with your customers or potential customers that you are keeping your dealership clean as well as talking about your adjusted business hours. This also a great time to get your ads on to Social Media and maybe even offering “A Store to Driveway Service” of their new car. Basically you will have to really be more Customer Service Oriented in the sense of your buyers will all be communication with you differently now. This is good because the new challenge that is in front you, is in an experience that will make your dealerships so much better because of the adjustments you will have made. So take full advantage of this current situation and become dominant in the lane of digital market and selling through Social Media.

Other Ideas To Sell Cars During COVID-19

Each day will bring a new challenge simply because our world as we normally know it has been turn upside down by this current New Normal. However, there are so many opportunities out there that just need to be brought to life. Your ideas will come from meeting, talks with other dealers like yourself, Automotive News and Car Biz Television. Wherever they may come from they will have been thought out and well designed. You have the opportunity to become one of those dealers who can possibly set a new trend when comes to selling cars during the coronvirus crisis. I want to leave you with some other ideas to help you get your creative juices flowing to make your dealership better.

1.) Make Customer Safety a Big Deal: Create a video for the customer who has agreed to purchase a car showing them the clean process of the exact car they are buying to ensure their safety. People are afraid and we must create a new level of trust with our customers.

2.) Create A Cleaning Process: Post on your website, place video on your service department televisions in your waiting areas that show and talk about you cleaning the service area multiple times a day. Also, create one that will letting them know how you will clean their car after service is completed.

3.) Offer Valet and Drop Off Service: Now more than ever people are going to want service and will need service to their vehicles now that they are home. Which means you may want to consider them dropping the car off and perhaps having the dropped by at home or work depending on their situation to ensure their safety as well provide them with simple easy in an out service.

4.) Online Service Appointment Setting and E-Pay Service Billing: If you do not have appointment setting and electronic billing system in your Service Department, well you had better get with the time. People are looking for convenience and emailing or texting your customer their bill would certainly be great or to go a step a further email the itemized bill with a breakdown of their bill. Also, provide them with them the options to call their Service Advisor who can go over any issues or concerns on the bill. Just know that you must get creative and think what would make the customer experience a good visit right now.

5.) Utilize Customer Mining Tools: Whether you use Auto Alert, Automotive Mastermind or whatever your customer mining tool of choice is now is the time to take a deep dive into it. Everyone should have a system in place and a Sales Manager that oversees this as another entire department. Equity Mining can truly enhance your dealerships numbers as well as your dealerships gross profits. Since customers will have more time on their hands at home, what a perfect opportunity for you to reach out to them and talk to them about taking advantage of their vehicles equity. Equity that may ever keep their payments the same or perhaps lower their payment. Just know this right now there are customers who lease will be ending during this Pandemic, there will be customers who’s loan is almost completely paid off and there are some nice older cars that you can use on your Used Car Lot. We must utilize everything we have and make deals continue to happen.

Now is the time that all dealerships must adapt and adjust how the sell cars, take care of their customers in Service and how well each one of you utilize your customer base when using your mining tool. The times have change and you all must keep moving forward.

*Lastly, tweak and make the adjustments necessary to your new ways of selling and servicing customers until you perfect it!

How Dealerships Can Survive During A Crisis

The latest COVID-19 crisis has placed dealerships in a place of adjustments and uncertain times that will change the way business will be done moving forward. These are now the time to step and get stronger by using this time wisely.

Four Things Dealerships Must Do During A Crisis.

1 Do Not Panic!

These times are tough and I get that but the worst thing that you and your dealership staff can do is panic. As a leader within your dealership the worst thing you can do is to allow anxiety, negativity, or worry set in among your leadership team. Maybe you had to make some tough decisions to let go of some people, managers and sales staff or even shutdown your sales department. As a leader it is your job to keep your team’s head in the game and do not allow them to operate in fear!

2 Streamline Your Business

Now is a perfect time to make some adjustments to get your business stronger by streamlining your process. I suggest getting together with your Leadership Team on Zoom, Go To Meeting, Skype or whatever is a great way for you to communicate with your team virtually. Begin to take a look at all your dealerships processes and procedures and begin to evaluate them, make them stronger. Look at your expense structure and go line by line to take a look at advertising expenses too, evaluate if some of these expenses are necessary. However, you decide to streamline your business so when this is over you come out stronger than before.

3 Connect More Deeply With Your Customers

I truly believe that this is a great time for dealerships to take deep dive and really begin to connect deeper with their customer base. Now more than ever your will need to make a stronger effort to connect with your customers. Right now is the time for Owners to get out and make more appearance on Social Media to speak with their customers. Begin by making more announcements with your customers letting them know your are behind our essential workers. Send out video emails to reach out to your customers and let them know that you care about them as to letting them know what your are doing to ensure safety. Of course keep your home test drives and deliveries going and discover ways to make the buying experience more convenient for your customers.

4 Adopt Modern Technology That Fits The Buyers

Whether you agree or not technology is not going away and will continue to get better with time. Which will require you to get better with time, in fact it has already inspired some dealerships to get a head of time. In recent poll of 2200 people conducted by Autotrader, stated that 48 percent of adults say scheduling a test drive during their next purchase would be very appealing. Autotrader also discovered that among middle-income class adults, those making between $50K and $100K-are most likely to say test drives are important. I am quite sure you know this already but I want to remind you of the importance of a test drive. Wouldn’t this be even better if your customers could go your website to schedule a test drive or make a service appointment without having to call in? I believe this is where you need to be because there are dealerships out there already on top of this matter. Now is the time to get modern technology in your dealerships to improve your buyers experience.

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Why Dealerships Must Encourage Social Media Usage To Help Sales People Sell More Cars.

“75% of dealerships have no formal training for Social Media Sales and Marketing available for their Sales People.”

If you are managing your Sales People Key Performance Indicators(KPI) by the number of phone calls and emails they are making each day, then you had better be prepare to be left behind. In today’s society Social Media is the way to go when comes to selling cars and making meaningful and less intrusive ways to connect with Car Buyers. Roughly 45% of the world’s population uses social media, in fact it is where a great majority get their news, and other resources from Social Media. The average person today spends 2 hours and 23 minutes a day on social media platforms. That is a significant increase over 1 hour and 30 minutes per day usage reported back in 2012. You must ask yourself if you are a Dealer Principal, General Manager or Sales Manager, what are we doing to sieze the opportunity for growth? Facebook Market place has lead the way in Auto Sales in particualar the Used Car market. However, advertising and messaging have become big with new cars. Why aren’t more dealerships taking Social Media Seriously? According to a recent study, 75% of Sales People surveyed said that their dealerships offer no formal training on Socail Media Marketing and Selling. Besides who still answers their cell phones anymore? A vast majority of consumers consider phone calls inrtrusive and down right rude.

Two Things Sales Managers Must Do Inside A Dealership Daily

73% of Sales Managers spend less 5% of their time coaching their Sale People, according to TAS Group recent study.

The number of help wanted ads will never go away if we don’t stop the bleeding when it comes to Sales Turnover in the Automobile Industry. For some reason we keep having the attitude of the next man up and the next man up continues to provide your dealerships with the same results of placing a help wanted ad which is costing you tons of dollars. Just look in your CRM Tool and it will tell you everything you need to know about your sales; on average dealerships lose around 70% of the business they generate each month. The average store closing percentage is around 30% when it comes to sales closing percentages each month. Many asked the questions what can we do to change the turnover problem? How can we increase our sales each month? How can we increase our gross profits? Well there are two things that all Sales Managers, General Managers and Dealer Principals must do which I will tell you in this short video that can help you to turn this issue around Sales Turnover and save you money as well as make you more money.

We must do these two things in our dealerships.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Must Be Used To Improve Sales Performance

Dealerships biggest falls when happen Sales Management fails to Utilize KPI’s.

I was recently working with dealership back in 2019 that had a revolving door when it came to Sales People and Sales Management. The store was in great location and had all the tools necessary to be successful but there was a problem. I came in to the showroom, stood at the sales tower and the first thing I did was observe the processes as well the procedures. I immediately noticed the CRM they had and asked the management team how were they using it?


They answered only for certain things. “I said come again!” They explained to me that the CRM tool slowed them down and cost the money. I then asked how do you all keep track sales performances? And please show me your sales process; I looked at their process in sheer shock. They were working everything by hand and with green markers, this made absolutely no since to me. They had no way of keeping up with sale performance and had no indication of true sales performances of their Sales People except only by sold units. There was no way to track phone calls, closing percentages and other Key Perfomance Indicators. You must have consistent usage of a CRM tool in Dealerships or any business for that matter when comes to KPI‘s. This latest video will tell you my thoughts of why Dealerships fail to succeed.

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Many owners realize the Automotive Industry’s number one struggle is Sales People Turnover. Today I want to share some of the reasons that Sales Turnover happens and how one can develop the ability to stay motivated in order to generate longevity in the Automotive Industry. We need Sales People and we must teach them how to stay motivated. Money is only a momentary motivator. Passion is a burning desire that will always outlast money! Check out this clip on Sales Motivation .

About Roger Love

Last week I spoke about understanding rejection and how many Sales People in the Automotive Industry suffer and fail because of it. Well in this segment I want share how get past objections by doing a sound job in investigating a customer’s problem. Check it as how you can overcome objections and avoid rejections from customers to close more deals. Besides, if you know what the problem is other than money you will know how to sell your customers cars.

More about Roger Love

8 Step To Building A Winning Culture Within Your Organization

People are and always will be the key to your organization’s success. The happier your people are… the better they perform and more successful your company becomes.

* Here are eight key essentials your organization must possess to build a Winning Culture.

Find Great People Who Compliments Your Image

As you begin to build your team and make a push for success, you definitely want people who understand their role and importance within your organization. You see, when you have people who know what your organization’s mission statement is about, then the alignment to success can begin or continue. Everyone who works within your organization wants bring value and enhancement to your team. They are the one key_ that is a perfect fit in their role in your organization who too are seeking the opportunity for career advancement. You also have to have people who look act sound and think like a true professional in their role. The people you want are team players who work well with others. The worst person you could have in your organization is a self-centered individual who wants everything to be about them. You cannot succeed without a team of people working together for one common goal. You absolutely must have People who think exactly as the Mission Statement. For example if your Mission Statement says that our customer service is guaranteed to make our customers happy, then everyone who works in your organization should know that we must all treat that customer like royalty when they enter your business. If you have everyone with a clear understanding on customer treatment, then you certainly have people who compliments the image of your organization’s structure.

Invite Your People To Buy Into The Process

When you can convince everyone who works within your organization to believe in the mission statement of what your organization is all about, something magical happens_growth. If you follow sports in particular the NBA, professional basketball then you are aware of what the Philadelphia 76ERS are doing right now. This team has been the laughing-stock of the league for years, losing year in and year out with no hope of change in site. However, this year they have gotten everyone to buy into what they call“The Process.” In the 2015-16 season the team finished with an embarrassing record of 10 wins and 72 losses. In 2016-17 season they finished with record of 24 wins and 54 losses, a an improvement from the previous season. Now in 2017-18 season thus far they have eclipsed their first 50 Win season with only 30 losses still with a third seed in the Eastern Conference for this years’ playoffs. How did they do this? By getting everyone on to buy into “The Process,” which is getting the players and coaches to trust in what the front office was doing. They assembled a team of players who were willing to make the sacrifices of being on a losing team for a while, with the intention of building a winning team in a couple of years while adding other players in the process. The same needs to apply to you and your business, bring in people who will buy into what you are selling, as a builder of the winning process to build a “Winning Culture ” simply because it starts with the people you have as well those ones you are recruiting. History happens to repeat itself when you bring people a group of people together for one common goal, the winning magic happens. You must create a culture that aligns with you core values.

Create A Culture That Aligns With Your Core Values

Culture is the way we do things within a certain environment, which operates by a set standards that affects the daily outcome of an organization. Today you hear many organizations use the “core values” phrase, emphasizing what they are all about. So what is your organization all about? Does everyone within your organization know what you are all about? You see, if you are pondering about these questions then you had better make sure you have your leadership team to start emphasizing your core values more often. For example, if one of your core values is to make customers feel like an honored guest in your dealership, then it should and must be taught to everyone in your dealerships. If you have certain a way of doing things in your dealership, then it should be taught to everyone in your dealership. Policy and procedures are all a part of your core values as well the culture of your dealership. Most of all you want to place an emphasis on having fun and creating a winning culture for your people to experience, besides culture matters to your employees and your customers. So build core values that entice people to work for you and to buy from you.

Maintain and Evolve Your Culture Carefully

Building your team is going to be crucial to your future but creating a culture matters more than ever. So you must build a culture that can grow and adapt as the generations began to change, as technology changes, overall you must be prepared. That’s why you must work to have clarity within your people as to what your expectations are by consistently emphasizing your core values to maintain what you are all about. Just like the Philadelphia 76ers , they are an organization that must continue to evolve into more than a contender but grow into a Championship caliber team. You must want the same for your organization_growth from what you have without going backwards to where you once were. How do you begin to maintain and evolve your culture carefully? One by being transparent about what’s expected of everyone, also letting your people know your are not the smartest one in the company and that you need their input to grow. Next you must let everyone know that their individual importance is a must have in order for your organization to grow. Most of all you need everyone  performing at their highest level everyday and that motivation to perform at a high must start with all your leaders.  Now in order to do all these things you will need active communication daily as well as active listening. Training and role clarity are key to maintaining and growing your culture carefully.

Work As A Team

If you want to build a Winning Culture, then you absolutely, positively have to build a winning team. Your team may take time to build,  get the right people for the job roles you have in your organization or maybe your team will be formed with a bunch of misfits in which you have to build from.  No matter what it maybe, your job is to lead, manage, and train your people to be the best at what they do and to work together. You see, everyone definitely achieves more when you all work together. That’s why you must have a mission statement that is so clear that your purpose is known. In today’s world in any organization everyone must know the common goal which means everyone should know your mission statement. You see, too many times a organization’s mission statement is missed and failure sets in. The reason failure really sets in is due to lack a communication in the details. Clarity is needed when you have a group people working, no matter the size you must have clarity amongst your people. There is a saying that the “devil is in the details.” When you don’t have clarity separation sets in and the vision gets blurred, things fall apart. Teamwork is a must and for you organization to have a Winning Culture; Cultures are all about the way an environment functions as well as how it operates day-to-day. Just remember, there’s strength in numbers and when the numbers are all working together, there is nothing that can stop the success of an organization.

Have Fun

You must have fun! As we all know putting in a good day’s work can be long and trying for many people. However, when you can bring laughter, excitement and enjoyment to the work place, your people are much happier. Yes, of course we can all say that money should make people happy but having a great work culture can make for a great day of work. Here are few suggestions, create team competition or perhaps consider having different events throughout the weeks or months based on the time of the year. For example, we came up with our March Madness competition where we put the names of the sales people who sold the first sixty-four cars and we the drew the names once the sixty-four teams in the NCAA Tournament were selected. We the place the schools on a large bracket board in which each winner was given a payout with each victory by their selected teams, which got larger as their teams advanced. This always brought out excitement and early competitive success in the sales people at this dealership to get the month off to great start.  An enthusiastic staff will always work together and have fun which creates a fun, exciting and winning environment. You can also get creative with training in making it fun and competitive too for example, at your dealerships you should have walk around competitions with your sales staff. Create days where the your training becomes fun_just remember fundamentals starts with fun of course. So help your people to get sharper mentally by making learning fun. Overall, “Winning Cultures” can be fun and exciting but it all has to start at the top with ownership, then leadership as well as management.

Train Your People Regularly

I am a true believer that companies and organizations that train well succeed all the time. You cannot become a “Championship Caliber” organization without training and training consistently. Organizations fail when they put training on the back burner and treat it like it’s a secondary deal. Listen up! If you really want success, then invest time, effort and money into training your people. Now what type training will depend on what your organization’s specific needs. If it is customer service, then get someone who specializes in that. If it maybe selling skills, then hire selling skills expert. No matter what you want to improve on_ stick to it and make known you expect results. Measure the success of training by actively monitoring the progress in the areas that need improving. Most of all hold your leadership team accountable. Accountability will keep everyone focused. Just remember, training starts at the top.

Learn From The Past

We must take past experiences and learn from them what not repeat. It’s like a child touching a hot stove and it burns them… teaching them a lesson about heat also, learning about danger. However, too many times in the Automotive Industry we cannot seem to learn from getting burned the first time when it comes to rehiring ex-employees. Dealerships get desperate, lazy and impatient and hire a person whom was either fired or the left you hanging by going somewhere else without warning. Or perhaps you decided to use a vendor, trainer or something to that nature that didn’t workout in the past. What am saying.? …the obvious that we must clearly evaluate what we have learned from past failures and put in place measures to not let history repeat itself. Here’s what I suggest to anyone who wants to be successful…don’t be stupid twice; learn the lesson the first time and move on from vendors, trainers, hiring agencies and un-loyal sales people who hop from dealership to dealership. Learn from your past mistakes and make every effort not go down that road again. This thought process alone will be the best thing to keep your organization no matter what it is in line with being successful.

*All these steps are part of what I truly know and will forever believe that builds “Winning Cultures.” Think about when have ever seen a successful organization where there’s no fun and everyone involved were miserable… I will wait, go ahead? If there, was their success didn’t last long. What I am saying is that you must have people who enjoy doing what they do, love and respect the people they work with and have a passion for success.

About Roger

Roger Love is a Championship Attitude Expert who help organizations to build Winning in the environments. Roger truly believes that businesses fail when there’s no clarity in an organization’s purpose. Roger has a methodology that emphasizes a Championship Attitude mentality is must today for success, which is the beginning of creating a great work environment where everyone wins!

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Changing of The Guards_How to Make a Smooth Transition in Your Dealership During Change

Changing leadership within your dealership will always create a great deal of questions and concerns from your staff. How do you handle the different levels of uncertainty from within? How do you keep your people focus? Most of all how do you maintain sales as well increase your sales and profits?

Not that you don’t know these things about leadership changes, here are a few areas of concern that you must pay close attention to during your changes. Change can bring about a huge attitude shift in your dealership’s work environment. You must remember that we become emotionally attached to the people we work for or emotionally detached. So we must get involved and prepare your people on How deal with their emotions to move forward. The following are things you must address to make a Smooth transition.

Shutdown The Rumors

No matter what changes you may have within your dealership, the rumor-mill will always run wild. Your sales staff will have an attitude of bitterness and resentment towards the changes that are about occur. This is where all the rumors are manufactured and begin to spread through your dealership’s staff, totally causing a disruption in your business. No matter what Industry we may work in, changes will occur and we must prepare our people for the as best we can in most cases for changes. I have and everyone has been through the changing of the guard before. However, in your dealership it is crucial that you get involved and be proactive in making your changes smooth as possible to keep business going. The worst thing you can do is ignore your staff’s issues and concerns. Here is how you shutdown the rumors: 1.) Get in front of it with a formal announcement or address it with staff as soon as it happens. 2.) Reassurance is always a must in these situations. People are always concerned about their future when changes occur. So reassuring them can prevent rumors and distractions.

Make An Announcement

No better way to keep your people in the know than by announcing changes to them as group.

When you put people in the know it eases the tension in your dealership and helps the flow of work and the process continues without major distractions. You can slow down the negative rumors and all the distractions of people looking to abandon ship due the changes ahead. It wound be great if you announced who will be replacing the General Manager or whatever positions of leadership are left vacant. Also, if you foresee any other changes coming you can the announce those too. Sometimes you just cannot predict changes but if you handled the process well then you can keep the nucleus of your staff together and focused on business. Nothing is more important than to have continuity throughout your staff and dealership during changes.

In some instances changes will occur unexpectedly and a lot of times it will leave your people in shock.

People as we all know do not deal with changes very well, especially if it is sudden. I can remember experiencing this with the first General Manager I ever worked for who died suddenly and it left our dealership in total shock. Our store at the time had 150 employees and we were a high volume store that was that the flagship of our automotive group. Our owner of the dealer group immediately showed up and had a meeting with as many of us as he could at one time without totally disrupting business. In that meeting it gave us all reassurance that we would have temporary leader in place and he would keep us informed of the selection process of the replacement General Manager. What a difference it made? Putting everyone at ease was good to know that it would be someone that was within our automotive group, which meant they would be able to adjust quickly due the familiarity own the policies and processes within the organization. Basically, you must get I’m front your people and show compassion for there concerns and you will have favor as well focus from your staff during shocking changes.

The Old Way Vs The New Way

* When the changing of the guard occurs in your dealership there will always be the old way of doing things versus the new way of doing things.

As human beings, we are all wired differently and we perform at different levels, different speeds of course with different philosophies. Which means that no matter who take the lead in your dealership during changes you can expect a different way of things being done. Even if they are from the same automotive group umbrella, there will always be a old way of doing things versus the new way of doing things. As the owner or director of operations of a dealer group it’s important that you monitor how well your entire staff and work environment is during the first 90 days of change. I really don’t have to tell you this, if your employees in that dealership are not responding to changes very well, then you had better be prepared to evaluate your replacements or possibly make another change. If you are constantly losing staff at an alarming rate more than expected, then you could have a problem with the new way of doing things. If your new leader is making changes and you aren’t in the loop to monitor things then you could be in for disaster striking within your business. We all seen it when a new leader has been chosen and they began to tweak some things and they aren’t going over well with your staff, then you must evaluate the new changes that have occurred. I believe it can be a easy thing to do when you evaluate the old way vs the new way. You should meet often with your new replacement leader and stay abreast as to what is going on in terms of changes or simply have them to gain clearance from you when making changes. The worst thing most dealerships do is wait until it far too late to address the old way vs the new way. Change can destroy the energy and attitude of your dealership. Which why I suggest ownership keep in themselves in the loop of what is going on in a dealership that has just installed a new leader. However, if you don’t keep an eye of watching the progress of your dealership during times transition, you are bound to fail and start the “Changing of The Guard” in your dealership all over again.

You have heard the horror stories that have occurred in dealerships across the country when changes occur in leadership.

How To Avoid Disaster From Striking During Change

We have to understand that if you want to have a smooth transition during time of changes then you must be prepared and proactive with a action plan for your new leader to succeed.

* Be Positive with everyone

* Allow No Negativity

* Set new goals and objectives

* Be a mentor or have mentoring team in place

* Assemble a great management team

* Encourage and Motivate your people

* Set up a meeting with zone representatives

*Review the financial statement with the new leader

* Most of show some compassion and gain the trust of your tribe.

Most of all put in Extra, Extra effort so that everyone will read all about your record breaking months when you and tribe increase the bottom line in profits. Besides, your leadership selection can be great if precautionary measures are taken and a great action plan is in place.

Roger Love is a Championship Attitude Expert who help struggling organizations to build Winning Cultures where everyone feels good about coming to work everyday. Roger has nearly two decades as a Sales Expert and over 26 years over leadership in building Winning Cultures in organizations.

For more about Roger

Three Types Of Employees That Keep Your Dealership From Growing.

What if…

You looked at your dealership as a whole from a performance perspective in terms of your employees? I mean really if you would take a deep look at the employees you have today with a open-minded approach, that would allow you to gather some facts about your staff. The kind of facts that would lead you to making some very tough decisions in terms of cutting ties with some people who have become far too comfortable with their day to day performance or their “seniority cry.”

Today far too many dealerships have to be accountable and say the phrase we use to say in sports when I played…”My Fault, My Bad.”You see, Dealer Principals, Operations Managers, General Managers all must know that I am about to tell you what you already know, but it’s just too hard of a pill to swallow. You have “Three Types Of Employees That Are Holding You Back!”

1.) Incompetent Employees

Yes I said and I am not backing down from my believes, far too many dealerships are putting lives, their brand, and the future of the business on the line with sales people and staff who refused to learn technology as adjust to the times. For example, we all have that three car guy who used to be the “stuff” back in the day but now they cannot sell their way out of a paper bag because the refused to learn the product they are selling. Man, this is a serious breech of protocol. I know saying that your employees are incompetent sounds demeaning but in the words of my wife, you gotta call at thing a thing; in other words you must put a name on it. However, when I looked up the word incompetent in the dictionary it describes the meaning of the word as “Lacking the skills, qualities or ability to do something correctly.”  Really it is not about a person being dummied-down or degraded, it is just an indicator that a person is incapable of functioning effectively in a job role. Besides this, complacency is sort of the same problem when you a have with most sales people who could sell more but do just enough to get by.  This simply means that management has allow this sales person’s sub-par performance to be the norm in the dealership and those same sales people chill out and become incompetent by default. In reality it is your management team’s fault for accepting the 3 car sales person who is really costing the dealership lots of money and could possibly get your as dealership in a heavy lawsuit if they give a customer the incorrect information about the functions and controls of their car. You see, I don’t understand why we are not taking training on product knowledge and performance seriously in our dealerships. Let’s look in other department for example if you have a DMV clerk or accounts payable clerk who continues to screw things up due to incompetency, it would destroy the whole department. Let’s look at it like this, grade your departments and employees on a scale from 1 to 10. Where would everyone rank and why? Why aren’t your sales managers being held accountable for the consistent 3 to 7 car per month guy who only bring less than $10,000 in gross profit to your store? Or service director who has oil change tech who constantly screws up a simple oil change? This is an area of concern all dealerships should look and make that your people are sharp and competent or find a replacement who can do the job effectively.

2.) The Fighters(Old Schoolers)

We have all witness the veterans on different jobs who feel entitled to fight for things to remain the same as they once were just because “it’s always been done this way.” These are same people whether in sales or any part your dealership that has become very comfortable with doing just enough to get by or feel entitled because of their seniority. They come to work each day month in, month out and of year in and year out they are they same person who refuses to change. They are the ones who really don’t embrace changes to well, they hate technology and despise all newcomers. In fact this person is as far I am concerned not a team player. In the sales capacity, they rarely make it to the sales desks with a deal. These people are “Lifers,” who are literally sucking the life out of your dealership. I have been in a General Manager role and I immediately cut my ties with these people because they are super negative and are feeling way over entitled to do whatever it is they choose to say or do. You cannot afford the “fighters” to run your dealership or career in the ground. In order to build a “Winning Cultures” in your dealership you must not tolerate foolishness at all. You must create a revolution within your sales force and in your office if you are ever going to grow into a Championship Caliber Dealership or remain a Championship Caliber Dealership. Basically, you must hold your General Managers, Sales Managers and any of your other lead positions in the store accountable for the store. Part of leader’s job is to recruit, hire, train and fire people; it’s just one of the necessaries that must take place in order to be successful.

3. Disruptive Employees

Tolerances of and foolishness, rudeness or disrespectful behaviors inside dealerships are killing your customers and costing you lots of money. I have witnessed dealerships where have spent some days inside their showrooms and witnessed flat out horror stories; people who really are rude, ignorant and just don’t give a crap about others. Many times the people are your “Drama Queens” or “Divas” within your organization. They constantly the center of controversy all the time. My questions to those of who you have people like this and you know that you do is Why …Why haven’t you done anything to correct this problem. Perhaps they sell a few cars for you and you feel they aren’t replaceable? Whatever it maybe it you must take action and began to get on a positive revolution within your dealership. You see, these are the same people who refuse to learn the latest technology or to take their very own certification to on their product. These are the people who maybe in good with you and they are totally against change. In reality we all are capable of learning and improving in different areas of our vocation. This disruptive employees are usually the best at pushing your rules right to the limit and fly just under the radar. They nod, smile and agree with you, while giving the the reply “Yes Boss.” Think you are too dumb and occupies to notice their subpar performance and fully are plotting to undermine you.

*If I were you, here are several things I would suggest.

I recommend that you immediately identify your underachievers and put together a plan to make them better.

I ‘d push my managers to do one on ones with the most resistant people to the point either they do their jobs or quit!

I’d fire the most destructive employees simply because they won’t change; cut your losses and send a message that the “Positive Revolution” has begun. Get on board or walk the plank, there has been too much money lost, far too many customers lost and there is plenty of money to be made.

Roger Love,

Championship Attitude Sales Expert

More about Roger

The Automotive Industry like any other industry is constantly evolving. The question is, are you and dealerships ready for the changes that have taken place currently and are you ready for the next Big Step into the future?

Whether you are small dealer, mid size family owned dealership or a larger corporate giant dealership, your dealerships must all be prepared to make the next big step to maintain or improve your position in your area. Today there are far too many owner, CFOs, Director of Operations, etc who see the Automotive Industry as the same stuff, different day and age. When clearly that’s not the case, looking still at several things from my perspective, one is the high turnover percentages which roughly today at nearly 40% for new hires the entire store staff and a whopping 66% in the sales department.

How do you prepare for the next Big Step into the future of the Automotive Industry?

Assemble a Great Team

If you want to be prepared for the Next Big Step into the future of the Automotive Industry you must build a solid nucleus of people who understands the purpose and mission of your dealership. That has to start with having a great leadership team that will hire the right people for the jobs. What I mean by the right people, is making sure you have some one who is contributing the hiring process to bring a well diverse group of individuals together who can bring balance to your sales floor based on the demographics of your business. You must have the right people for your customers. I truly believe that you must have sales people who love people more than they love cars or money. I say this because sales are built on relationships, just ask your top veteran sales associates along with your top service advisors and they will agree that selling successfully is all about relationships. So you must get people in leadership positions who will help you to maintain a good nucleus in terms of sales force in both sales and the service drive.

Growth in Your Customer Based

If you know like I now you have to keep your customers happy and bragging about how great their experience was at your dealership each time they visit. Customers have to be treated like an honored guest in your home. Just think for example, if someone you’re working with has a great experience at nice restaurant last night and they come to you the next day bragging how great the experience was…guess where there’s a 80% chance you will end going sooner or later? That restaurant that was highly recommended by their coworker. You see, it’s not hard to nurture or grow your customer base at all. You just have everyone one who touches that customer to know and understand the customer experience is important to the store. People love to brag about an experience that was good, they also love tell twice as much about a horrible experience as well. You always want to market yourself as a great place to go for a good customer experience. Provide people with reasons to buy and service with you.

Get in Tuned Stupid…

If you are not in tuned with the wave of technology that is in a the world today, then you are stupid and out of tune. Yes, I said it you have to be stupid if you are still living in the past because technology changes and changes often which means you must get in tuned. Dealerships like any other business should make the customers experience really simple and easy. If you can order a pizza online, a Starbucks drink online before you arrive, then then the same should apply for a test drive or a service appointment. Your store must have an application that can be used on today’s mobile devices. You can literally boost your customer retention and grow your business by allowing scheduling appointments online. Not mention, making a booming impact in your parts department by allowing parts to be purchased online. This can and must be something that you must get your people inspired to do and believe it will make life so much easier on your staff and customers. People love technology, so get in tune stupid!

Share Vision of Your Store

You have to get everyone in the know about what you are planning to do to in the future. People love to here about the new plans to expand and grow the dealerships that they work in. For example, if you are building and new facility, plan a huge event that is a day that involves a meal, music and celebration where everyone on staff can get excited and motivated about the big announcement. People love hype and suspense that will lift their spirits. It would make it extra special if the owner(s) are present and involved with the employees. People want to feel included and love rubbing elbows with the owners.

Professional Development

You want to be ready for the next Big Step, then you must have an ongoing training and professional development system in place. From your HR Department teaming up with your trainers for training on racial sensitivity to sexual sensitivity. Yes, you must do this and cover it often. This will keep your legal fees down and even your legacy in place. People are the key to your success and if you going to elevate your business, training and development has to be the foundation. You must train from leadership and coaching, right down to selling skills as well as team work. Your employee handbook must constantly evolve as the times are too often changing. Give people what they need to be successful and have a plan that reflects why professional development is must to elevate your business to that next level.

Competitive Focused

Everyone knows that business is about having a competitive edge that makes customers choose your business over another. Look at Google for example, Steve Yege, a engineer at Google says they are 100% “competitor focused ” which means they know their competitors and how to operate at higher level than their competitors. Basically you and your dealership need to get competitive and competitive in winning the customers over with more than price. Customers of today want service, convincing evidence as to why they should buy from you over another dealership, convenience with technology like apps and a experience that keeps your dealerships on their mind. If your dealerships are not coming up in car conversations amongst your customers or amongst the people in your community, then your competitors are out selling you. Here are a few things to consider, keep the numbers of the units that your competitors are selling in front of your Sales Managers, Sales Associates, Parts and Service Managers to remind them about competition. It’s important that they all understand the goal is the win and win often when comes to sales volume, gross profit and store net profit too! If your people aren’t looking at being first in a competitive environment, then either your goals aren’t clear enough or they don’t belong on your team. Get your people competitively focused by reminding them daily of the store’s ultimate goals and keeping the numbers of your store along with all the other competitors visible where everyone one can view them daily.

Team Work

The saying goes as follows “teamwork makes the dream work.” Well , I got to agree with that as a team there is strength in numbers and when people work together for a common goal, chances are much greater for it to happen. It is the job of the leadership in your dealerships to make sure that individuals are selling, performing at high level with a great attitude and know the impact of the helping one another can have on everyone. This will reduce turnover and increase productivity in your dealerships. Not mention it will automatically develop mentoring with in your work environment.

*Being ready for the next Big Step in your business has to start with Ownership, Management Team, Sales, Service and Parts Team along with your marketing. No matter how many new employees you add, they should know about the next Big Step just like all Sales people should know about the next new models that coming out into your line up.

Roger Love is a Championship Attitude expert who specializes in building “Winning Cultures” in organizations. More about Roger

5 Things You Must Do To Have A Successful Dealership Today.


The Automotive Industry has the highest turnover in today’s workforce at 66% in a three-month period at the sales position according to NADA.
* So how do you defy the odds to become a successful dealership in today’s market?
If you want a successful dealership here are 5 things you must do.
  1. Establish Your Presence: You must have a great marketing plan starting with your Mission Statement. Everyone within your organization should know what your dealership is all about and what the store goals are. From upper management to your porters everyone should know what the store’s purpose and mission is. Your marketing plans should reflect who and what you are about. For example, if you are out to best the number one volume dealership in your zone, region or city, then your marketing presence should say it and show it. You must have a constant presence through all forms of media and advertising. If people don’t know who you are and what you do… then your presence is not there yet. You want people to come in and say…I saw your banner ad online, I heard you all on the radio or I saw your commercial on television.
  2. Knowledge of how to hire people: While 67% of the workforce would consider a new job offer, only 1% of the workforce would consider working for an automotive dealership, according to Hireology and Cox Automotive.img_0147
I once worked for an owner of a large volume group where I was the General Manager of one of his 32 stores and his conversations would always revolve around success starting with your leadership. He would always tell me to make sure you have the right people for the jobs and those jobs were referring to your managers, who are the leaders of your store. The same is especially true for hiring sales managers, who will determine the success you have in front half the stores. Your sales managers need to be positive leaders who know how to recruit talent, train, motivate and coach all their sales people. You cannot for to hire bad managers period! It will be a true reflection on everything you do up front in terms of sales performance and gross profits.
3. Build Winning Cultures:
If you really want to be successful as dealership, then you must create a positive environment that is diverse and make everyone feel included on the team. You see, people quit when the feel less than, frustrated and not accomplished they quit. The number one reason people leave most dealerships is poor management, followed by poor training. Your managers have to be great coaches who can educate, motivate and inspire their people. Whether they are in sales, parts, service or even the front office; you must inspire people! Managers all seem to forget how they got where they are and who help them to get there. Most managers are arrogant leaders who mistreat the people under them. You must watch your managers’ interactions with the sales staff and hold the accountable.
4. Accountability:
Holding your people accountable is very important to the success of your dealership. It starts with the owner who should always monitor the progress of the dealership’s day-to-day operations. The General Managers of all stores should be present and actively involved in the stores operations, constantly coaching and inspiring their people. Now as for accountability you must make it very clear to your managers that they are responsible the store’s gross and net profit. I advise you to have their daily numbers turned into you, whether it be units or gross profits . The numbers then should be placed in front of them (managers) daily. Also assign your sales managers and service managers people to coach and be responsible for. Daily one-on-ones were great back in the day and still are great today. Place leaders in your store who aren’t afraid to take responsibility for their positions.
5. No Negativity Can Be Allowed:
Hear me and hear me well… you cannot tolerate negative people in your dealerships!
I have witnessed far too many dealerships tolerating negativity. The first place where the toxic attitudes starts is usually within your management staff. Managers, who are not well-groomed in terms of people skills have tendency to become arrogant, toxic and of talk down abusively to the sales staff. They constantly are blaming others for the store’s short comings. They are very impatient when it come to young sales people. Not mention they manage with a fear me mentality, which in today’s market will not fly with Millennial and Generation Z sales people. If you are allowing this you must stop the cancer from living in your showrooms. Your service drives and shops are no better either, the negative attitudes must go! You want to have warm and inviting people in your service drive. Positive people in dealerships with a Championship Attitude will always win and be successful.
We must be willing to change our dealership philosophies if we all want have a successful dealership.
A Skilled Receptionist:

We can debate about what’s the most important position in a dealership _I would have to say the receptionist. This person other than BDC, is the first contact consumers have with your dealership. I truly believe this person should be highly skilled from the tone inflection of their voice right on down to where to send all incoming calls. This person’s one sole job is to answer the phone consistently with a positive attitude as well as being good listener. Your receptionist should be aware of specific sales promotions that are going, who’s at lunch, who’s on vacation and so forth. Basically you have someone answering your phones who is well skilled and professionally paid to make you money. Just remember 95% of consumers calling in about a car in particular are pretty much sold and your receptionist skill set is crucial to that sales each time. Consumers are always complaining about two thing when call the store, one is being on hold too long and being bounced around to the wrong place. Your receptionist should be in the Top Five Things to Have a Successful Dealership, they are not so I gave this one an honorable mention.

* If you can accomplish these five things with in your dealership(s), then you will see some success. Just remember “A Championship Attitude Always Wins!”
Be Great,
Roger Love is a Championship Attitude Expert who specializes in “Building Winning Cultures in Automobile Dealerships, Schools and Business Organizations.

How To Display A Championship Attitude 

LeBron James, starred right into the face of a racial hate crime committed against him on the eve of the NBA finals last week showing why he is a true imitator of a person with a Championship Attitude. During a recent press conference, LeBron clearly displayed the essence of  Championship Attitude while answering questions from the press while being under pressure to make a quest to win another NBA championship. 

You have to commend LeBron James’s response to a distraction that occurred during one of the world’s biggest Professional sporting events. 

Despite making his seventh consecutive NBA Finals, superstar athlete LeBron James was faced with questions that seem to point to his property being vandalized with a racial slur being spray painted on the gate of his Los Angeles home. You would think that most athletes in the NBA Finals would usually be set be addressed the media with questions surrounding the Championship series opening game one. However, in LeBron’s case that was different in the way that he was faced with questions surrounding social injustice in the line of racism in America. 

Handled it like a Champion 

LeBron James fielded questions from the media with class and dignity although he was the victim of a hate crime on Wednesday May 31, 2017. When asked how he felt about the vandalism that was done his to home, he simply replied “it’s tough being black in America.” He also referred to the fact the we still have a long way to go with racial equality. Not to mention he referred back in history by referencing to the death of young Emmit Till, a young Chicago Black teen murdered in Mississippi many years ago that left a lasting stain on racism in America. He also mentioned how Emmit Till’s mother wanted the world to see the sickening things that racism did to her child by choosing to have an open casket at her son’s funeral. LeBron’s no historian but he showed “World Class Athelete Status” in keeping his composure under the circumstances surrounding his personal challenges. LeBron’s attitude also revealed the true character of a person with a true Championship Attitude. Attitude + Energy

Through it all LeBron James was cool confident and focused on becoming a NBA Champion for the fourth time. This is  so important for him and his legacy which has already been scrutinized by many as an athlete who many critics feel that he isn’t deserving of being mentioned in the likes of so many NBA greats before him. So no social injustice has seemed to have distracted him from locking in and performing the way his team and fans alike expect him to perform. Right now LeBron James is faced with many challenges both on and off the court. I only expect him to do what winners do and that’s to display a Championship Attitude no matter what win or lose, controversy or not, LeBron James will remain focused on attempting to win his fourth ring.

How does LeBron James continue to display himself as professional with a Championship Attitude during challenging circumstances?

  1. Courage: All champions always display courage during trying situations or in LeBron’s case handling all the distractions that occur despite being in the NBA Finals. Showing up to a press conferences whether his team wins or not. 
  2. Composure: Championship Attitude is totally about focusing on your feelings, thoughts, actions and emotions. Most of all learning to channel your attitude into one focused positive attitude. Basically, LeBron displayed that his composure was great as well under control during the recent press conference and he was not going to be affected by the actions of  others(negativity). Why? because he has learned how control his feelings, thoughts, action and emotions with a Championship Attitude. 
  3. Positive Attitude: LeBron has for the most part of his career has always kept his feelings, thoughts, actions and emotions under control, especially during trying circumstances. This has to be tough for high profile athlete such as LeBron James, who has to deal with tough criticism from so many people. Through it all he has consistently displayed a positive attitude, one which we all can learn from him. 
  4. Confidence: If you want see the tell-tell sign of someone who displays a Championship Attitude, just look no further than their self confidence. LeBron James has for most part shown a great display of confidence in himself despite facing so many challenges over his career. If you want to display a Championship Attitude start with self confidence. One must believe in themselves before they can ever move forward toward their success. Confidence is simply arrogance under control as was once told by my mentor Walter Bond, a top ten speaker in the motivational speaking world. So never be sorry for your confidence as long as it is not absurd and you still display humility just LeBron James does during his appearances in the public eye.

* You got to give respect to LeBron James for his continued display of how to have a Championship Attitude despite all the negative people and circumstances attempting to bring his attitude down.

We can learn a lot from others observing someone’s feelings, listening to their thoughts and viewing the actions during challenging times. 

LeBron James may not be liked by many but many we all can learn to do what he did this past week each time he has been challenged by negativity, is to rise above the noise!

For more on Roger Love

Why Life Challenges Are The Keys To Your Success!

Life can sometimes seem as if you are in the starting blocks, staring down a series of hurdles(challenges) waiting for you to clear them.


We all deal with challenges from the time we are born up until the day we die_it is just a given each day. Our challenges can be as simple as deciding what to wear or even what to eat during meal time. As we all know too they can be difficult in a variety of ways such as solving a problem or figuring out a solutions to a problem whether personal or business related.

Challenges are the majority of the time stressful and none the less no fun to the average individual. The average individual is someone who reacts to a challenge as if they were a soda pop with salt being poured into them; they typically get all fizzled and bent out shape the second they are met with a challenge. Some may even show signs of panic and fear when faced with challenges. Challenges aren’t anything when haven’t faced before; if we would just take a second or two to look back at our past challenges to see that they too were survived, with most of them being solved successfully. We can learn a lot from our past if we could just think back when we were faced with a challenge.

Ways To Face Your Challenges

  • Refuse to live in fear:  In today’s society fear is a epidemic that has caused so many people to concede to defeat. If  you desire to win in life you, then you better get over your fears quickly and face your challenges head on. Live by faith and do not draw back in fear. Life is too short to live in that regretful scenario of  “I would of, could of and I should of.” Just simply refused let fear hold you hostage.
  • Put setbacks behind you: All too often when we face a challenge we typically recall in our minds previous experiences that didn’t go well. This should be a clear indicator to focus on the challenge that is and to put the previous setbacks in the rear view mirror_never looking back. Know this you are not a failure because you tried somethings previously and they didn’t work. You are a failure when you don’t attempt to face a challenge because of fear. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and if you do get over it and press on! 
  • Don’t draw comparisons to others: Reaching your greatness will never happen if you keep comparing yourself and your challenges to others. Be Bold and face your challenges head on, take risks and never compare yourself to someone else’s life. Besides your story is your story and no one else’s. Boldness comes from being who you are and accepting the challenges that are presented in your life.
  • Be willing to take action: If you are going to be successful in life, you must continue to take action. Even when you are challenged in life’s circumstances. You can never sit around having a pity party for yourself over challenges that you maybe facing. Search your heart by asking yourself what risks are you willing to take for success? Remember, it has been said that success is failure repeated until a breakthrough happens.  In order to successful, you must take action!

* Master these four keys and your Life, your career will be successful.

Be Great

Discover more about Roger Love Speaks